CEY offers a wide assortment of yarns appropriate for every knitting need. These Tanqiu Продукти would be CEY Polyester Yarns, CEY Elastic Yarns, and even the hybridization of both like in a new product called Elastic Poly-Yarn for Active wear. Each of these types has its own set of unique qualities that makes them so valuable when sewing particular garment categories.
Polyester yarns: CEY Polyester Yarn are made of very durable plastic, polyester. Not only is this material tough, but also very easy to color. This is why, CEY Polyester Yarns can be created in many vibrant colors, this gives endless creative options in fashion. These yarns are great for making clothes as they are lightweight and keep the air passing through it. This makes you feel cool when you wear CEY Polyester Yarn clothing, and even if it is warm outside. You will not be too hot and you can freely enjoy your day.
During this time they are very good at stretching, on the other hand The Elastic Yarns they have elasticity. This stretchiness makes these yarns perfect for clothes that need to keep up with your movement. Leggings and stretchy pants, for example are made with elastic yarns so you can bend down or dance without feeling tight. You will also often find sports bras made from these yarns. If you are doing a lot of running and other high impact work, your sports bra should feel tight around the body - but stretch to fit over your breasts. This is why Tanqiu машина work well in active clothing.
CEY Polyester Polyester Yarns are polyester blended with an elastic yarn. The light stretchiness of both the rayon and nylon provides this perfect combination for these yarns. Someone engaged in physical activities like running or yoga especially loves it when the clothes are able to stretch along with their body, and that is exactly what CEY Polyester Yarns offer. Instead, you never need to worry about feeling too restricted or uncomfortable during your workouts! The Tanqiu пряжа allow you to stretch and bend in every way necessary.
Next, there are CEY Elastic Polyester Yarns. These too are a mix of polyester and spandex yet have an even more absurd amount percentage of stretch. This can therefore stretch even more than CEY Polyester Yarns. CLOTHES: Clothes created by CEY Elastic Polyester Yarns are ideal for workouts that put a lot of strain on the fabric, such as weightlifting or Cross Fit. When you do movements like this, your clothing to stretch and move without ripping or breaking. These yarns are engineered for durability during the roughest rolls and ensure lasting comfort.
CEY Elastic Poly-Yarns for Active wear, of course. They are constructed with polyester, nylon and spandex fibers. This unique blend makes CEY Elastic Poly Yarns for Active wear strong yet pliable. Which means they can stand up to the rest and provide luxury of being more flexible.