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Kationisk garn

Have you ever heard of Cationic yarn?! A novelty yarn that is becoming increasingly popular in the realms of textiles. But this fabric is anything but ordinary, it comes with many functions that apart itself from normal. The type of material is such that specific results are not possible unless a monofilament garn

Simpel farvning: Kationisk garnfarve meget nemmere Farvning – Denne Tanqiu er, når de giver en smuk farve til stof eller garn. Traditionel død kræver en enorm mængde vand og energi, foruden at man skal bruge skrappe kemikalier, som er skadelige for naturen. Men det er mere bæredygtigt og miljøvenligt end at printe med kationisk garn. Hvilket både betyder godt for planeten og også, at vi får pop-farverige stoffer.

En miljøvenlig løsning til farveprocessen

Eco-friendly dyed cation yarn. For better or worse, these green habits help us all alright, maybe not the rainforest). It offers reduced dye and water waste than tekstureret garn to obtain required color. This saves water and that is vital, particularly in areas where there are no potable drinking waters. This Tanqiu is then combined with the planet-friendly product made from recycled materials using cationic yarn.

Hvorfor vælge Tanqiu kationisk garn?

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