Have you ever heard of Cationic yarn?! A novelty yarn that is becoming increasingly popular in the realms of textiles. But this fabric is anything but ordinary, it comes with many functions that apart itself from normal. The type of material is such that specific results are not possible unless a 모노필라멘트 원사.
간단한 염색: 양이온성 실 염색은 훨씬 더 쉽습니다. 염색 - 이 탄추는 직물이나 실에 아름다운 색상을 줄 때입니다. 전통적인 염색은 자연에 해로운 가혹한 화학 물질을 사용해야 하는 것 외에도 엄청난 양의 물과 에너지가 필요합니다. 하지만 양이온성 실을 사용하여 인쇄하는 것보다 더 지속 가능하고 친환경적입니다. 즉, 지구에도 좋고 화려한 직물을 가질 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다.
Eco-friendly dyed cation yarn. For better or worse, these green habits help us all alright, maybe not the rainforest). It offers reduced dye and water waste than 질감 실 to obtain required color. This saves water and that is vital, particularly in areas where there are no potable drinking waters. This Tanqiu is then combined with the planet-friendly product made from recycled materials using cationic yarn.
Special chemical treatments create a type of polyester fibers, called cationic yarn these chemicals make the surface reactive to dyestuffs. When the Tanqiu dye is placed on top, after those fibers have been victim of some abuse from adding in your fiber to be tortured (Now they are called Shanghaied) but with quite a good coverage. It means the color is rich and lasted, so the cloth looks good for a long time not remains at large. Color wont fade quick!
Instead, why not use something like a cationic yarn. This type of 꼬인 실 Is specific for the designer to design his distinctive and glow fabric from other's so cationic yarn can help. In cationic yarns, options of many colors are available which gives you a broad spectrum to make patterns of all kinds. To create good looking stuff, nice and appealing.
이 어플리케이션에는 XNUMXµm 및 XNUMXµm 파장에서 최대 XNUMXW의 평균 출력을 제공하는 폴리 에스터 원사 is cationic, but also suitable for sports cloth. It is because they can sweat absorb and feels comfortable to all the people while they are doing their workouts. If you are running or playing a sport, then yes — sort of like wearing that space-agey shirt designed to wick water away! Cationic yarn is also lightweight, so athletes can move freely without feeling burdened by the weight of their gears. Another example of humility can be found in the video here, where he speaks for anyone who wants to do their best with no holds barred.